'New Thread' Issues in Google Spaces

Today I started two new Spaces from my paid-for Google Workspace account.

One of these spaces has the option 'Start New Thread' at the bottom of the chat window.
One of these spaces does not — it simply has a text-box like a standard text-messaging application.

Why is it that one of these spaces has the option to thread, and one does not?

This seems like a programming glitch, considering both spaces were made from the same account, and both spaces invited the same people to join.

What could be going on here?

1 9 2,632

When you create a space, you get an option as to whether it should be threaded or unthreaded.


As far as I know, there's no way to change a given space from threaded to unthreaded or vice versa after it's created.

Hope that helps,


@icrew is correct!

That's probably the case and there isn't a way to change after creation.

You will have to create a new one with the desired configuration.

When I create a new space it doesn't give me the option to select threaded replies or allow people outside my organization to join....

I have found a similar issue in that some users are unable to quote-reply or start threads, and for others the same icon does not show up

No this is incorrect, to my knowledge.  The edition of Workspace use doesn't currently affect the Chat Space UI paradigm.

Google is moving to in-line threaded Spaces only.  Spaces formerly configured as conversation-topic will be converted this year, as announced.

Google has changed the system of threaded space creation. Old spaces where there is a option of threaded or unthreaded space has been removed by google. New space has by default Inline thread system only.

Bad move Google!  Using the old conversation view is much better, with inline threads users are often not replying to a message in a thread and just starting a new one.  Conversation view is much more like Microsoft Teams, inline thread more like Slack.  Most users much prefer the Team's style.

Uh no.

While you're certainly entitled to your opinion, the fact is that as recently as 2022, Teams and Slack had roughly the same user count (12M+).   Though Slack and Teams provide generally comparable main features, Slack has additionally 2K+ integrations!  Further, and it's just my anecdotal observation, but I mostly see Slack features requested for Google Chat.

It's Slack not Teams, that's the competition to beat for Chat, if not emulate it's success.

I know this is a last year post however I thought I would give out the some articles about how things are changing this year (2023):



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