Recipient Address Map Limit of 300

There are reports of a new undocumented limit of 300 for Recipient Address Map. Should this not have been communicated out to administrators? The number 300 seems entirely arbitrary.




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Hello, I have the same problem. Very annoying. Thanks for sharing. Greetings Gregory

Also, 300 seems very low for large old organisations.

Especially if they followed the documentation that says 5000 mappings per rule and no limitation of number of rules.

So, basically, just ask general support to increase your quota.

I just spent an hour with Support and they confirmed that the email forwarding/mapping feature should still be functional, however edits to the rule (additions, deletions, changes) are disabled, and new rules are not allowed. No ETA on a resolution. They insist I will be notified and that they're working diligently on it. (duplicate post added to @KevinApodaca 's post)