August 6, 2021


Release notes: August 6, 2021

Deployment Time: 11:53 AM PST

Features & enhancements

Item Description
Feature Update card styles in Card view to have borders and hover effects

The styles in a Card view have been enhanced to have borders and hover effects.

For new apps, this update will be available automatically. For existing apps, to activate the new styles change the view to a different view type, then back to Card. Apps created after this change should have the new styles.

Feature Improved performance when downloading usage data in CSV format

Downloading usage data in CSV format will now be faster.

Feature Improve slice expression resetting

When configuring a table slice, the Row filter condition field now has an x button to enable you easily reset the expression.

Bug fixes

Item Description
Bug Fix CSV export when LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW is used

When CSV Export was performed using a LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW and the filter expression specified a boolean function such as IN, the filter was ignored and all rows were returned. The boolean function is now honored and only those rows that match the filter expression are included in the exported CSV file.

Bug Disable data actions in processes without input table

A bug was fixed that allowed creating data actions steps in processes without an associated table. This would also enable the Create new action button in the side panel, which did not appear to have any effect, but would actually create an action.

Preview announcements

The AppSheet Preview program lets app creators try out new app features that are not yet fully supported. Learn how to participate in the AppSheet preview program for app client features.

  • No new preview features were released today.

What's currently available in the Preview program?

Item Description
Feature Table view

Table View now supports freezing the first column while scrolling horizontally. For details, see Freezing the first Column of a Table View - in Preview Program.

Feature Chart Editor

App Creators can now make use of our new chart editor and the new and improved charts it can create. Learn more.

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