Colors: Ability to use Hex colors and expressions all over the Editor

We can use Hex colors in Format Rules.

I would like to be able to use Hex colors also in:

  • Column type “Color” [actually we are limited to these colors: “blue”, “green”, “orange”, “purple”, “red”, “yellow”, “black”, “white” (which is light gray)]
  • With this we could use it also for Calendar
  • Brand - Color theme

Also I would like to use Expressions in the every Color setting.

This would give us the possibility, to use a color code for every user.
Or the User could set his own color via the UserSettings.

Status Under Review
33 8 1,663
Gold 1
Gold 1
Status changed to: Open
Community Manager
Community Manager
Status changed to: Under Review
Community Manager
Community Manager
Bronze 4
Bronze 4

Is there any progress on this?

I need to use the HEX color code for the Calendar and Brand. The 8 basic colors are very limited and affect the UI/UX appearance. 

Gold 1
Gold 1

@mohammadshehata You can now use 10 colors in the calendar view as I mentioned in this post:
Hex colors are not supported in calendar view AFAIK.

In Brand you can click on "Custom" to use a Hex color.



Bronze 3
Bronze 3

@Fabian_Weller wrote:

Also I would like to use Expressions in the every Color setting.


This would be really handy. I'm trying to build a map with areas where every area should get another color. We are talking about 39 areas. Would be great if we could use expressions to define the color as HEX, based on the area. 


Bronze 4
Bronze 4

Would LOVE this option!

Silver 5
Silver 5

Much needed !