Release notes: January 27, 2021


Deployment Time: 09:59PM PST

Features & Enhancements

Issue Description
The predictive ML implementation is being rolled out.

Rollout: 100% free users and 20% paid users.

Bug Fixes

Issue Description
Bug An issue was fixed when creating apps with Spec where the app preview would not load because of an internal error.
Bug An issue was fixed related to custom Yes/No Labels used with a Valid_If condition.

Android update

An Android update (v14.5) will be released to the Play Store and will be rolled out to all users over the next week.

Issue Description
Bug Fixed a bug where caching an image might cause an app to crash.
Bug For apps that open external web pages, we added support for special links (like mailto:, tel:, intent:, and others) in those external web pages.
Bug An issue was fixed where our new barcode scanner did not detect barcodes on OnePlus phones.
Feature Added detection indicator to our new barcode scanner on Android.
Feature Added focused mode to our new barcode scanner on Android.
Feature Improved our new barcode scanner detection range.
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