Release notes: January 5, 2021


Deployment Time: 2:06PM PST

Features and enhancements

Issue Description

Log REST API Key Validation Results to Audit History.

If the REST API is invoked with a missing or invalid Application Access Key, we now log a meaningful message in the REST API record in Audit History.

This makes it easier for you to resolve missing or invalid Application Access Key problems.

Feature New locales added: ChineseTraditional_Malaysia (zh-MY) and English-Malaysia (en-MY)
Feature Meaningful error messages (reason phrases) are now returned along with error codes for some errors.
Feature Minor layout changes were made on the workflow Test/showtable page to better display expressions and large task results.

Bugs fixed

Issue Description
Bug fix
An issue was fixed where carriage returns and line feeds appearing in LongText fields in email bodies were not formatted properly.

Previously when a Workflow Rule or Report contained an Email action that specified a Google Docs, Word, or HTML Body Template that referred to LongText data fields, we did not always honor carriage returns and line feeds that appeared in the LongText field value.

When the email body was displayed by a Gmail email client, the carriage returns and line feeds were honored.

When the email body was displayed by an email client like Microsoft Outlook, the carriage returns and line feeds were not honored.

Instead the LongText value was displayed as a single string of unformatted text.

We now attempt to honor carriage returns and line feeds appearing in LongText fields in the email body.

This change is being introduced gradually, so you might not see the new behavior for several days or weeks.

Bug fix A check was added to ensure a valid Application Access Key is defined.

When you enable the REST API on the Manage > Integrations > In tab, you should click the "Create Application Access Key" key to create an Application Access Key.

Some customers were failing to do this. As a result, web applications that attempted to invoke the REST API would fail, as would workflow webhook actions that attempted to invoke the REST API.

Now, when the REST API is Enabled, a check is performed to ensure that you have defined a valid Application Access Key.

We check this when you save your application in the Editor. We display a meaningful error message if the Application Access Key is missing.

When a webhook workflow rule attempts to invoke the REST API we check whether a valid Application Access Key is present. We now display a meaningful error in Audit History if no Application Access Key is present.

This change is being introduced gradually, so you might not see the new behavior for several days or weeks.

Bug fix A UI issue was fixed where table views truncated data when the app font size increased.
Bug fix Minor layout changes were made on the workflow Test/showtable page to better display expressions and large task results.
Bug fix Correct Method 'CheckFieldUpdatable' for REST API

The REST API was allowing updates to some columns that do not actually allow updates. This is now checked and an error is returned if an API call attempts such an update.
Bug fix An issue was fixed where iframed apps failed to start when localStorage errors occurred. For details.
Bug fix An issue was fixed where the URL embedded in an embed sample did not work. The correct embed URL is now used.
Bug fix An issue was fixed where users could create an invalid predictive model that would cause errors to surface in an unexpected place in their app. Invalid models are now caught earlier and a useful error is displayed explaining what went wrong.
Bug fix A UI improvement was made to make the form and detail view a consistent width for the desktop.
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