Release notes: January 6, 2021


Deployment Time: 11:43AM PST

Features & Enhancements

Issue Description
Feature * Look and feel improvements were made to forms (views of type form). For details, see this blog post from the AppSheet Team.
Feature * The Policy tab was restyled and improved.
Feature Whitelabeled apps no longer need to have a specific minimum version when submitting a whitelabel request.

* This change is being rolled out gradually, so you might not see the new behavior for several days or weeks.

Bug Fixes

Issue Description
Bug fix UI issues were addressed where the Detail view using a background image was being covered by a card within the App Refresh rollout.
Bug fix When app creators tried to copy an app (either a sample or one of their own), a message would come back saying the operation failed. The operation was actually successful, and apps were successfully copied, but a misleading error message was displayed. This issue has been fixed.
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