What happens when you click on a chart point

I love the charts feature.

Like a lot of cool things, it sets people thinking “wow, if you can do that … can I … maybe do … THIS?”

This is one of those…

When I click on a bar in a bar chart, it takes me to the record that formed the data.
When I click on a point in a line chart, nothing happens. It’s not implemented

So I’d like to access the data for the point on the chart that the user clicks. It must be going on in the background because something is bringing up the record when you click on a bar chart.

Naturally I look at the “Behaviour” section for the chart. It’s all greyed out so I can’t configure any “when the user clicks a point on the chart do this” features.

Can we have that please?

That would be soooooooooooo cool!

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