Silver 1
Since ‎12-28-2021
2 weeks ago

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TRIM(UPPER(LEFT([Nome], 1)) & LOWER(RIGHT([Nome], LEN([Nome]) - 1)) & " " & UPPER(LEFT(SPLIT([Sobrenome], " ")[1], 1)) & LOWER(RIGHT(SPLIT([Sobrenome], " ")[1], LEN(SPLIT([Sobrenome], " ")[1]) - 1)) & " " & UPPER(LEFT(SPLIT([Sobrenome], " ")[2], 1)) ...
HELPPractical example:- I have a user registered on my system using the function: Usersettings();- Everything that this user registers in the system leaves his user code recorded, so that we can identify who made the necessary registration;- However,...
Hello dear Experts!Is it possible to use the same Google Sheets database table for more than one Appsheet Application project, in the same Google Driver account?Thank you for always helping us!
Error 1 : '&lt;', hexadecimal value 0x3C, is an invalid attribute character. Line 76, position 421.Error 2 : '&lt;', hexadecimal value 0x3C, is an invalid attribute character. Line 76, position 421. <DIV> <DIV> <DIV>Assembleia de Deus<BR />Fogo para Europa</DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Portugal - Europa</DIV></DIV>...
Estimados colaboradores de esta comunidad ¡Saludos cordiales!He leído mucha documentación y algunos problemas informados aquí.Y estoy enfrentando los mismos problemas con las hojas de cálculo HTML.Tiempo usando las variables &lt;&lt;[XXXX]&gt;&gt; Tiempo usando ...