Blanket Formula for Yes/No columns?

Hello everyone,

I have many yes/no columns and I have an action to submit to supervisor once completed. If a person has a 'no' answer, I'd like the action submit to supervisor to refuse to run and ideally give the individual a message letting them know it can not be submitted due to the incomplete aka 'no' item. 

While I know I can assign this via a formula for each column, I was wondering if any of you know of a simpler formula instead. 

In simpler terms...

If all fields are 'yes' - action to submit to supervisor will work

If any field is 'no' - action to submit to supervisor will not work and a message will appear indicating the same.


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The actions to be initiated by app users are available in detail views or summary views or dashboard views -so I presume you wish to initiate action after the form is submitted? Alternatively actions can be initiated as event actions such as form submitted event. Event actions will automatically invoke once the event is performed such as form submission.

If you wish the user to submit form in stages , meaning the user can save the form and again change certain columns response later on then and if you are referring to several Y/N columns in a single record to be checked for "Yes" status before initiating an action on that record, then I believe you will need to make manually a list of those column values and check that not a single "No" exists in that list.

In summary, at a single record level there is no list function such as SELECT() to make a list of values.

If the user needs to ensure the form needs to be submitted even first time with all "Yes" responses, you could use a valid_if for all those "Y/N" columns and then on form save event the "Submit To Supervisor" action can initiate.


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The actions to be initiated by app users are available in detail views or summary views or dashboard views -so I presume you wish to initiate action after the form is submitted? Alternatively actions can be initiated as event actions such as form submitted event. Event actions will automatically invoke once the event is performed such as form submission.

If you wish the user to submit form in stages , meaning the user can save the form and again change certain columns response later on then and if you are referring to several Y/N columns in a single record to be checked for "Yes" status before initiating an action on that record, then I believe you will need to make manually a list of those column values and check that not a single "No" exists in that list.

In summary, at a single record level there is no list function such as SELECT() to make a list of values.

If the user needs to ensure the form needs to be submitted even first time with all "Yes" responses, you could use a valid_if for all those "Y/N" columns and then on form save event the "Submit To Supervisor" action can initiate.


Thank you so much Suvrutt_Gurjar. ๐Ÿ˜Š


You are correct on all counts:

I wish to initiate action after the form is submitted and I wish the user to submit the form in stages. 

I appreciate you. I'm very new in Appsheet and it helps so much to have someone willing to help me.

You are welcome @App52Em  

You will find many community colleagues willing to help with excellent solutions. This is one of the best tech platform communities that I have come across.

AND( [col1], [col2], ....) would do the trick, just in case you are using a bunch of IF(S).

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