Is there a way to trigger a Task from an action?

Hello Community

I want to put an Overlay button that sends an email with Docs template, but that is only found as a Task, and I don't see any action that triggers Tasks.
On the other hand, Bots are triggered from an event.
How can I assign a Process or a Task to a overlay button?

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Tasks are specific steps that can run only within a Bot. 

You can setup a Bot that is activated by an action button through some column update.  Here is what I typically do:

  1.   Add a column to the table from which the email is to be sent and name it something like [Send Email?].
  2.   Create an Overlay action button as a Grouped action
  3.   Action 1 in the group - set [Send Email?] = TRUE
  4.   Action 2 in the group - set [Send Email?] = FALSE
  5.   Setup a Bot, with Email Task, to trigger when [Send Email?] = TRUE

 The purpose of Action 1 is to trigger the bot.  Action 2 needs to reset the flag IMMEDIATELY to prevent any other updates from re-triggering the Bot.


I hope this helps!

View solution in original post


Tasks are specific steps that can run only within a Bot. 

You can setup a Bot that is activated by an action button through some column update.  Here is what I typically do:

  1.   Add a column to the table from which the email is to be sent and name it something like [Send Email?].
  2.   Create an Overlay action button as a Grouped action
  3.   Action 1 in the group - set [Send Email?] = TRUE
  4.   Action 2 in the group - set [Send Email?] = FALSE
  5.   Setup a Bot, with Email Task, to trigger when [Send Email?] = TRUE

 The purpose of Action 1 is to trigger the bot.  Action 2 needs to reset the flag IMMEDIATELY to prevent any other updates from re-triggering the Bot.


I hope this helps!

Thank you so much!
I thought about that solution but it seemed to me that I was going around too much and that there should be some more direct way that I was not seeing.

I'll do it like this then

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