Dialogflow CX data store in start page but it gets triggered in different pages and flows?

I have my data store enabled in the state handler of the start page of the default start flow. Right after my start page, I have my AuthPage which is a form to get the user's information, in the required parameters (name, city, card digits) I have disabled generative AI fallback for no-match default in the Reprompt event handlers of these parameters.
But still, in some specific situations(when I enter "Berlin." as my city!!!), I get the response from the data store, this also happens in other flows that I have. I can see in the conversation history, the flag "Attempted Data Store". This is very confusing as to why it is happening. 
I am not an expert in Dialogflow cx so there is a chance I might be doing something wrong please help me understand.

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Hi @Bravestone9 

Can you please double-check that the NLU is trained(https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow/cx/docs/concept/training)? does your data store contains information about cities?



Yes my NLU is trained. In my ML settings I have selected Advanced NLU NLU type. And this only happens in the case of "Berlin." not for any other cities I tested "Munich." and it works. It somehow detects "Berlin" without the full stop ['.'] for some reason. Below in the image you can see in my training phrase I have used this as well still it is not triggering "city' intent for this input.

Screenshot 2024-03-12 183540.png

Yes in my data store, I have information about these cities as well.

that is because the data store has info related, you will need to tweak the ground level: https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow/vertex/docs/concept/data-store-agent#grounding

This is the order of execution, which is important to know why this is being hit:



I tried tweaking the grounding from very low to very high, and even disabled it. But in all cases, it is still the same.
Also according to the order of evaluations steps 1 and 2 i.e. parameter input and intent detection should be placed first, but it is looking for responses from the data store. Why?

mmm, that is actually true, do you know if you are transitioning to a page + hitting the data store?

No!!, the page and flow are not changing. You can see in the image belowScreenshot 2024-03-12 194325.png

The bot simply generates a response from a data store (translation of the response: "The <institute> has a branch in Berlin.") and then again asks for the city (this is because the parameter is set to required and it will keep on asking for the city until it is assigned one I guess).

oh I see, that seems a bug.

I will recommend creating a ticket here: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/new?component=956347&hl=es-419&template=1504451

I think is with the same error, when you is in deep flow you enable in start page no match no is working. 

give me this also.

call-companion-auth-code"AaAUUQbH59WkXXXXXXXXXXX" ADDED


seems that fallback from start page not working well.

edit: ten minutes ago, I discover where give me the bug , when i connect 2 flow, start page fallback stop working well.