Button download is not working on looker studio

I tried to download file pdf many times on looker studio but button download isn't working then can't download pdf. Who have more solutions to download pdf on looker studio.

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New Member

IRRITATING!!! Same here. Had to send a report before 5pm which is in 10 minutes!!!

New Member

I cannot download any reports. the Download button isn’t working for me either

Experiencing this too as well

Having the same problem.

We are also experiencing this issue.

Same here!!! Download and copy link button do not work. Although there is a walk around for the link.

Having the same issue; is there a fix for this yet?

I tried to download file pdf many times on looker studio but button download isn't working then can't download pdf. Who have more solutions to download pdf on looker studio.


Has this bug / issue been acknowledged yet? Can someone provide some feedback please?

Download as PDF > “All Pages” > bugged
Download as PDF > “Select Pages” > bugged

No console errors displayed, no ajax actions seems to be triggered at all. It seems like the entire download feature / service is disabled.

Is there some sort of maintenance going on that we should be made aware of?

Any information / update will be appreciated please?

I’m curious how large are everyone’s dashes? My standard dash is 13 pages, however, while trying to debug this issue I noticed if I edited it down to 8 pages I was able to download again. Are we being limited on dash size?

My reports were working fine before.  Trying to download February reports is where I found the download button no longer worked.  I tried going to the linked report and printing it to PDF but it doesn’t layout nicely.  My only recourse is to email the reports to myself, although I’ve read there’s no setting specific dates for those reports to cover.

I tried re-adding the data source (Analytics - GA4) and it would not bring over any elements from the data.  It was all blank, even after refreshing the data and the fields and reconnecting.

The Cancel button works on the download modal and when I inspect it has the following value in its html:

The Download button has the following value:

There are no error messages or anything to indicate why downloading might be disabled.

@ajsource - my dash is only 3 pages, but even copying a report and reducing it to 1 page failed to download.

same issue

Same issue.

Tried on several browsers, same error.

Until Looker works it out, you can send yourself an email with the pdf

New Member

I am having the same issue.

Same here

Our report is only 3 pages and we are having the same issue. I’m new to this platform - do the peeps at Google that run this reporting tool look at these threads or are we to report this issue someplace else? 

New Member

I’m curious how large are everyone’s dashes? My standard dash is 13 pages, however, while trying to debug this issue I noticed if I edited it down to 8 pages I was able to download again. Are we being limited on dash size?

Mine are  between 1-6 pages. All my reports are still not working. 

New Member

Same problem here as well. Clicking on Download button does nothing.

Same here. Hope it is resolved soon since reports need to be shared via pdf format in the next few days.

New Member

Yes, we are having issues here with our company. Run around 10+ reports for clients, half have worked only. Please help, Google. 

Also having this issue. Please help Google!

New Member

Same issue, scheduling the reports is the way to go but I have about 13 separate reports scheduled and only 3 made it though. Rest show unable to send. 

Is there any update on the DOWNLOAD NOW button? I have not been able to download PDF reports since 01 March? 

I found a workaround. Schedule an email to yourself and it will send you the pdf. Then cancel the email scheduling, because it doesn’t have an option to do just one. You have to schedule recurring. 

New Member

I found a workaround. Schedule an email to yourself and it will send you the pdf. Then cancel the email scheduling, because it doesn’t have an option to do just one. You have to schedule recurring. 

I need to have reports downloadable and the email scheduling for 50 different reports is not a workaround i can live with

I found a workaround. Schedule an email to yourself and it will send you the pdf. Then cancel the email scheduling, because it doesn’t have an option to do just one. You have to schedule recurring. 

I need to have reports downloadable and the email scheduling for 50 different reports is not a workaround i can live with

I agree, but I was just sharing that this is the only workaround I’m aware of so far. At least it’s something. Hoping they’ll fix it ASAP.

I found a workaround. Schedule an email to yourself and it will send you the pdf. Then cancel the email scheduling, because it doesn’t have an option to do just one. You have to schedule recurring. 

Update: This no longer works properly. Some of the data will be blank. Some reports worked fine, but others didn’t.

We’ve tried everything we can to fix this on our end. Unfortunately, we’re now having to tell clients that Looker has known about this issue since January and doesn’t seem to care. The slow response cannot be attributed to COVID and is reflecting badly on all Looker products. 

Here is the link to the support request… one can only hope that multiple support request will result in action: https://help.looker.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=34884&_ga=2.172524324.684245128.1669048...

I received this infuriating g response from Looker:

Alexander Rome (Looker) 

Mar 16, 2023, 4:55 PM PDT 

Hi Diane,

Thanks for reaching out to Looker support!

To provide you with the best possible assistance, we suggest that you take a moment to review our community article. It outlines the appropriate steps to follow when opening a support ticket based on your Looker Studio account, which will ensure your case is routed to the correct support channel and enable us to resolve your issue more efficiently.

While we fully support Looker, we are not the right team to provide support for Looker Studio. Here's the link to the article
to connect with Looker Studio support and get the assistance you need.

We understand that seeking support can be challenging, and we want you to know that we're here to help. If you have any additional questions or concerns related to Looker, please don't hesitate to ask. For now, we will move this case to solved status but responding to this message will reopen it if you have further questions.

Additionally, please note that the severity of this issue has been lowered from S2 (urgent) in accordance with our severity definitions.

Thank you,
Looker Support


Mar 16, 2023, 4:40 PM PDT 

The button to download a PDF out of Looker Studio is broken and can't be clicked. It turns dark blue for a second then nothing happens. At this point, there is no way to get the whole report (27 pages) or print it. Our clients are getting upset and so are we. This has been occurring since January and your team seems to be sitting on their hands. You've got a budding PR problem if people start moving this conversation to social media. It should be priority #1 for Looker to fix.

I responded with this:

I have been on the community looking for help, as have dozens of other people. This is not a community issue. It is an issue that a Looker developer needs to fix since it is in the CODE.  https://community.looker.com/general-looker-administration-35/button-download-is-not-working-on-look...

I submitted a bug to them. Here’s the link to upvote: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/274068075

You can also submit a bug as well. The more the merrier!

I am having the same problem, perhaps Looker Team can make ‘Download’ feature working again as before. Big Thanks

New Member

For my specific report, the download pdf button hasn’t worked since the middle of February. I have found that you can completely remake the report and it might work for some time, but then the button breaks again.

I also cannot set up an email delivery to myself for some reason. Another thing that doesn’t work in the same area is the “get report link”.

I hope they decide to fix this soon!

Same here...our clients wait for the monthly reports..
Any solution??

New Member

I found a workaround. Schedule an email to yourself and it will send you the pdf. Then cancel the email scheduling, because it doesn’t have an option to do just one. You have to schedule recurring. 

I did this, until it started leaving gaps where my data should be. What is going on??

I found a workaround. Schedule an email to yourself and it will send you the pdf. Then cancel the email scheduling, because it doesn’t have an option to do just one. You have to schedule recurring. 

I did this, until it started leaving gaps where my data should be. What is going on??

Same here. Eventually those gaps started showing up. Good news is that this morning I tried the standard way and it works now. Seems like they fixed it.

Has this issue been fixed? I am still having trouble with the download button 😞 

I am still having the same issue as well. Was hoping it was going to be fixed by now, but I have tried recreating the reports, it worked last month, I can still download those reports that I recreated for some reason, I tried doing it with my other reports now as well and it is not working anymore. 

Does anyone know if they are looking at this? Or is the only solution still to just send it via email?


Thanks in advance for any replies.