10/15 Office Hours

Join us Tuesday morning at 9AM PT for the next Office Hours. In addition to your live questions, we’ll try to address a few topics below. (Register even if you can’t attend but would like a recording emailed to you)

New Features to Discuss:

  • True/False Toggle Actions
  • ‘Ordered-Flow’ Actions
  • New Options for Multi-Choice Buttons

A few more features to highlight:

  • Ideas for Translating Languages
  • Deck & Inline Deck Views
  • Multiple Map Layers

Also, we’ll demo some new methods for showing quick tutorials of the platform - curious to hear feedback. See you then!

UPDATE: Below is the recording from this weeks session. Let us know if you have any additional questions!

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Bronze 5
Bronze 5

Will there be a tutorial for working with mysql?

Thanks for your question @1111 ! Here’s a reference doc to provide additional information about working with mysql. We’ll do our best to review this during the Q&A portion of our session.

Thank you for joining the webinar! Here is a support article for SQL database integration: https://help.appsheet.com/en/articles/962066-using-data-from-mysql. Please let us know if you have any questions.

I’m trying to build an app to calculate the Nurse Activity Score.
This score is the sum of several variables (colums).
Most of the colums are enumlist or true/false type columns.
Depending on the answer given for each variable, a value (decimal number) must be assigned to that variable,
The idea is to get a total score that would be the sum of all the values assigned to the variables.

For example, the variable [monitoring] can be given 3 possible answers -----> number:
normal ----> number 4.5
more than normal .------> 12.1
much more than normal ------> 19.6

I’ve been trying with ifs function and ifs(in function but couldn’t get the syntaxis righ.
Can anyone help with a detailed way to write this formula?


Hi Cecilia, one thing that might be helpful for clarity in organizing these values is to create individual ‘score’ virtual columns (hidden) for each of those enumlist or true/false columns. Then it will be easier to create a formula for generating an overall score.

Gantt view under calendar would be great. Month view does not work for projects.

Hi @Rich_Barber! Thank you for your feedback. We currently do not have a gantt view available, but there is a chart view that may be able to satisfy your needs for the time being. Here’s a help doc on the different views available for reference.

Hi. I’m in the UK and over recent weeks my team have noticed a marked slowdown in the syncing of the myriad of apps we use in our business. Is it likely that our distance from the Appsheet server is contributing to this? If so is there any way to prevent our apps from slowing as the quantity of data in the spreadsheets increases over time?

I use no formulas in sheets, only in apps. I’ll look into security features and partitioning. How many rows would start to ring alarm bells? Thanks

Hi @timsimpson! Thanks for your question! Here’s an additional resource to assist with sync speed.

Hey Tim,

I can help you out with considering your options for improved app speed. Do you want to shoot me an email at billy@appsheet.com?


We are vintage clothes seller in UK. We are using the OCR feature for scanning inside clothing labels. for sizes, washing instructions etc. to list items quicker.

It works quite well , until the size isn’t there i.e Size 10 Size 12 is fine but then some labels have just 10 , 12.

What a great way to use the OCR feature @Paul_Lou_M_palocell! It sounds like you may need to retrain how the system is reading the size field. We’ll do our best to answer this question during the Q&A but here’s an additional resource on OCR to help.

This is awesome!

We moved our data from Smartsheet to an Azure sql db but noone can figure out how to get the images to display. Are there some good instructions for storing images in the db and displaying in app?

I currently have 12 apps - all identical except for the slices that were used to filter the data based on location. I’d really like to cut this down to 1 app and use the security filters but need to make sure the tables display the correct data. Would this just be on the location = X ?

or is there a way to create a view to have the user select the location and then just display the data based on that location?

Hi Tammi - this might be a great use-case for ‘User Settings’. You can include the user-selected settings in your security filters, slices, show_if conditions, etc.

I will review the driver jobs app referenced in the article. Does it matter if we are whitelisting domains instead of adding specific users?

Also, our staff assignments are very fluid and people could be going to any location. Should I add a quick sign in form to have them select the location they are at and then use that location either in the security filter or user setting area to only show records for that location? Currently this is being done with slices and the app was copied 12 times just to change the filter in the slice. There is only one table in the app that I want to leave unfiltered. Does that matter?

@Peter - I’m trying to understand the user settings but not sure this is what I want.

I see that in the UX for the user settings you can set the finish view but what I really need is something that allows the user to select the location and then have the data filtered for that location. We have several slices being used in the app. My goal is to go from 12 apps to 1 app with a way that the user can filter any view based on their location. I’m stuck.

A simple example of how you can use a user setting throughout your application, (including your slices) is demonstrated in this translation app I mentioned.

If you look in the menu, there is a gear icon that takes you to the user settings, where one field can be defined: ‘Default Translate Language’. Once an option is selected from that dropdown, it is saved as the setting for that user, whenever they login. (assuming the app requires secure sign-in).


That user setting could then be applied in a slice by using this expression: USERSETTING(“Default Translate Language”])

In your case, if the user setting is collecting names of regions, once one is selected, use USERSETTING(“REGION”) in your slices to return the value of the region that user has selected.

Does that make sense?

Bronze 5
Bronze 5

Will we be able to have the view right to left anytime soon? In hebrew we write right to left

Peter recommended connecting to Active Directory. Sounds great. Is it feasible to connect to Azure Active Directory? How?

Hi @Rich_Barber thanks for your question! Here’s a quick reference doc about Azure Active Directories.

@Rich_Barber - like Jennifer mentioned, we integrate with Active Directory. We also have a simple table of our company directory contact details that serves as a central data source of employee information, integrated as a data source for any internal AppSheet applications we use. This has great benefits in ensuring employee details are consistent.

Here’s the expressions article containing information about CONTEXT. Please let us know if you have additional questions.

@Peter Can you please post the video recording of this webinar on the AppSheet YouTube Channel ?

Thanks !

Yes I am also looking forward to the webinar recording, could not attend
please upload the recording thanks.

Hi @Thomas_Varghese! Video is embedded in the original post above. Let us know if you have any follow up questions!

Hi @lamontfr! Video is embedded in the original post above. Let us know if you have any follow up questions!

Hi everyone! The video has been embedded in the original post to view at your convenience.

Happy app building!

What about “New Options for Multi-Choice Buttons” ?

And how is the Name of the Dog that was present in the Office Hours?

Hi @Fabian! The multi choice buttons were in reference to the new Dashboard Tabs. You can read more about the update here.

And my dog’s name is Roxie. I don’t think she’s up on the website yet