AppSheet at PMXPO - and it's free :)

Hi everyone! 

If you are interested in learning more about the future of citizen development, AppSheet and the broader low-code and no-code community will be participating in this years PMXPO event with the Project Management Institute. The event is FREE and while there will be a "live day," the event portal will be available through Jan of 2023.

We hope to see you there! 



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Saw that Google Workspace was also announced as a PMI partner!🤗

Recently, the 7th edition has been talked about for being streamlined while keeping up with recent project promotion
However, I am wondering how PMI is providing resources for citizen developers, as it still feels too heavy-handed for the standard AppSheet Creator.

Also, in order for AppSheet to be used in the project management area, I would really like to see it support a multi-person development environment.


Hi @takuya_miyai good to hear from you! I can break down a bit of what this partnership means and how it helps citizen developers. Please let me know if I'm missing your original request 🙂 

1. Our partnership with PMI is meant to be complimentary. PMI has created a methodology/framework to help companies grow and scale their cit dev operations. They are platform agnostic, so the certifications and coursework that they have created will address many of the questions and needs companies currently have about how to implement no-code and low-code technologies in their organization. There will be four different levels, becoming more technically oriented in nature as one takes more courses. The goal is really to help support those who want to drive innovation within an organization but they might not have the language required to address certain concerns or questions IT teams may have. 

2. Your feature request on multi-person development environment is noted, although I would parse that out separate from the nature of our relationship with PMI. As you know, task management is a really common use case and the current development environment has helped countless cit devs. To your point, there is always room for improvement. 

3. I'm not certain what you're referring to with the 7th edition comment, can you clarify this? 

Hi @jcadence 

Thanks for supplementing my detailed comments on this partnership.

It is easier to talk about it if I answer the third question first, so I will do so.

> the 7th edition

I mean PMBOK GUIDE 7th Edition.

PMI is so synonymous with PMBOK in my mind.
Of course, I understand that PMBOK and this PMI Citizen Developer Resource are different.
However, I assume that there is a relationship between the two and that the elements required for citizen developers have been extracted from the PMBOK elements. (This is just my guess.)
The PMBOK is not limited to systems development, but can be applied to project management all over the world, including plant construction and the building of large bridges.
For this reason, I am a bit concerned about the difference in size between projects where PMBOK is primarily used and those where citizen developers take the lead.
This is not a negative periodic view.
I am very interested to see how PMI compiles PMBOK knowledge for citizen developers.
And, of course, how the methodology is being used in AppSheet.🤗

> multi-person development environment

Yes, indeed, it may be something that should be discussed separately.
In my opinion, the project management advocated by PMI involves the management of many stakeholders.
In my experience with projects incorporating the PMI methodology, many developers were among them.
Of course, PMI Citizen Developer Resource is a new concept, so the thinking may differ, but I believe that communication among developers and concurrent development management may also be a theme.
I am sure that there are many aspects to control in terms of project management and task management, but I hope that AppSheet will be able to address these issues in terms of functionality.

Thanks for the clarity. It's my understanding that the PMBOK and Citizen Development certifications are to remain separate, but the team at PMI can better answer that in the future. I'll ask around and see if I can learn a bit more about how they're thinking about this. Thanks for raising it!