Join us for Office Hours on November 3rd: New AppSheet databases and no-code Chat Apps

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Community Manager


Hey AppSheet Community, 

Don't miss our next Office Hours on November 3rd at 11AM PT. 

The AppSheet team will be diving into new platform enhancements that help improve both the app creator and end user experience - AppSheet databases and no-code Chat Apps. 

Learn more, save your spot, and ask questions in advance. Even if you can't make it live, save your spot and we'll send you the recording.

We look forward to seeing you there! 


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Will Appsheet still accept other databases like Google Sheets, Excel 365, SQL Cloud or only Appsheet Database?

Other data sources will remain available.

Thank you!


I watched the archive for the today`s office hours and learned new Google Chat/AppSheet automation a bit.

In the simplest terms, it looked like that the kinda of the feature to "embed AppSheet View" onto the Google Chat, and make the users be interactable such as data changes on AppSheet app without leaving from Google Chat, which is great.

Based on your presentation, I came up with a few qustions, hopefully you guide me to the right direction.

- With the current Webhook for Google chat, it is only possible that we post the text message (including card style ux) to "Spaces".  Not possible to post message to the designed single or multiple users by directing their private email address.  Is the new feature making it possible to send message (embeded view) onto single users by nominating the google hosted domain email(s)?

- We saw that the settings on the Google Cloud console is needed to implement this new features.  I m working as admin for my Google Workspace organization of my company, so I can access to the console. However, when we imagine the reality where the non-admin users create the app, it is possibly those avarage users do not know what the Google Cloud console/Project is going to be and should be no idea how to deal with it. How do you manage this challenge?

- Let me say this is embeded view of app in Google chat.  Do you plan to place the limit of the age for those embeded view?  Currently GMail embed view has limit of the age for 30 days.

- Continue on talks for limit.  Is there any possible limit in terms of the max number of messages we are able to send?  For instance, if we have 10 thousands of email we wish to send through the automation, currently it is not going to work due to the amount of jobs, the Automation is going to be time-out or the email delivery service on the backend, will cease the jobs in the middle of works. At last, we see the case where some thousands mails were successfully delivered, but the rest were not sent.  In terms of business application with the larger scale for the large company, such a limit is making us impossible to use Automation to satisfy the business requirements.



Any chance to get your guide?

Please Increase Appsheet Database Row and Column Limit