[RESOLVED] AUG 19TH - Possible outage

This thread is for monitoring issues related to O365:

  1. Some general problem on our system started around 8:15AM our time and lasted for about 50 mins. The issue is not ongoing.
  2. We are investigating a separate O365 issue at this time.

Hi everyone,

We’re currently investigating a possible outage impacting access tokens. Please post your questions, status, feedback, etc on this thread for updates.

We’ll post information as soon as it becomes available.

5 54 2,064

In Peru we verified that the applications based on Office 365 are WORKING WELL!. Thank you very much!

Question: Was the problem identified? It can be prevented from happening again for the same reason, or it cannot be prevented from happening again?

Has the cause of the problem been identified? can it happen again? AppSheet image with my clients using Microsoft has deteriorated

As you all know, we are in the process of shifting our server traffic from Microsoft Azure to Google Cloud Platform.

It appears that there are occasional latency issues between Google Cloud Platform and Office365 — but we do not yet know which side the problem lies on. We verified this conclusively yesterday. With no obvious resolution in sight despite our best efforts, we decided for now to move traffic back 100% to run on Azure.

We are trying to live migrate our service from one cloud to another. This has actually been going on for months and the goal is to do it seamlessly. But we have observed a few instabilities over the last couple of weeks. I believe when we get thru this migration phase, our service will have better stability and scale than we had before.

I hope this is not a harbinger of things to come with the Google infrastructure migration. While I was apparently not affected by this, my Apps are heavily dependent on fast, seamless, and reliable integration with both Azure SQL and One Drive. Not to be too negative, but I’m feeling kind of vulnerable with my business now being dependent on friendly cooperation between two fierce business competitors. Fingers and toes are crossed!!

Same here. A huge number of our business processes are now on AppSheet and our data is stored in Microsoft SharePoint. We have spent an enormous amount of time developing Apps and training our users. All last week was a nightmare with a lot of work to catch up with now. Our Accounts Department were not impressed as we now have a delay in paying invoices. We have no intention of moving our data to Google.

Hi jennifer
I ve lost my connection to google spreadheets first and to the Appsheet web page then, I was trying to add Google Calendar as a new data source. I searched the admin policies and could not find anything new. I am currently locked out of my account. We have a Pro Plan, I can still log with other accounts but I got logged to a Free Plan Account.
I enclose a print of the message I am getting

Desperately need for help.

For other readers… You needed to resign in again with your email address that is tied to your Appsheet account.

Hi @Instituto_San_Pedro just checking in, were you able to access your account?

Yes it’s solved

Oh yes we were Jennifer.
Thank you so much

New Member

Hi, I’m still getting the “Microsoft access token has expired” bug, even though I have log out of App Sheet and back in through Office365 again, but the token error is still present.

Is anyone still experience this?? If yes, does anyone have a clue how to fix this?

Is that your main data source with your Appsheet account? If not, that doesn’t help and you need to goto My Account > Sources and refresh the authentication with your additional data source. Please don’t delete it, just go through the authentication process.

It’s my main data source, and I have even tried to login to portal.office and remove the token to Appsheet and authenticate again, but no luck

Hi @klo_EF, if you go to https://www.appsheet.com/account/login and go thru the login again for your account (by clicking on the Microsoft icon and going thru the Microsoft signin), then it should work as expected.


I’ve had 3 sync time-outs on my iPhone this morning.

My iPad and the emulator have been syncing OK.


“Connection timed out. Please wait a moment and try again.”

UK-based O365 user.

The only significant change I’ve made to the app today is enabling a whole bunch of formatting rules. I did have a few successful syncs after enabling these rules though?


Sorry… False alarm… I rebooted my phone and it is now syncing as expected…