Try the New PDF Creation Facility

AppSheet allows you to include PDF attachments via a Workflow or Report Email action. It also allows you to archive PDF files via a Workflow or Report SaveFile action.

PDF attachments and files are created as follows:

  1. You normally begin by creating a Google Doc or Microsoft Word doc template file.
  2. When the Email or SaveFile Workflow or Report runs, it reads the Google Doc or Microsoft Word doc template file in HTML format.
  3. It replaces any “variables” you have included in your template file with data from your AppSheet data tables.
  4. It calls an HTML to PDF conversion web service to convert the HTML from step 3 into PDF.
  5. It retrieves the PDF from step 4 and either attaches it to the email, or saves it to a file, or both,

We will shortly begin upgrading the mechanism we use to convert HTML into PDF. You can get early access to this new PDF creation facility, if you wish. To do so, simply reply to this post and supply your AppSheet account id.

If you wish to try the new PDF creation facility, we suggest you use an AppSheet test account containing the applications you wish to test. We recommend this, because we enable the new PDF creation facility for an entire account. By using a test account, you can try the new PDF creation facility without affecting your existing applications.

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ID: 5997165

This post is from almost 3 years ago and it was the time where (as far as I remember) we moved to Skia.

This post basically should be closed since a long time ago.

We don't need to try anything because what once was the "New PDF Creation Facility" is now the only one, the one we use today


I would like to try the PDF export feature.....


My ID: 1184933

There goes another one...
Can we get this post closed or something to prevent confusion? @lizlynch @AndrewB @Roderick 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for the feedback! I have locked this thread to prevent additional confusion.