500 Error during login with SAML in Apigee Integrated Developer Portal

I try to log in to Apigee DevPortal using saml, I get a 500 error.

The error occurs when a POST request is sending with SAMLResponse from IDP auth0.

Does somebody has an idea what could cause such a behavior?

I attached har logs(logs.zip) and screenshot with SP configuration:


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Anatolli, I'm sorry you're having difficulty. I've seen this problem as well. Let me see if I can get someone to help you on this.

Not applicable

I am also facing the same issue on my device and my printer also showing Error 0xf1 and I want to Fix Epson Printer Error 0xf1. If you have any proper ideas please share.

Hello Dino! I have the same issue with Auth0 as SAML IDP for apigee integrated portal.

I have extracted AssertionConsumerService from metadata as expected, passed to Auth0 and posted the settings similar to Anatolii. I can see that SAMLResponse is correct claim accordig to https://www.samltool.com/ it get decoded. Let me also know what I can do to get Auth0 working with the Apigee.

My logs: saml-apigee-auth0.zip


Hi guys!
Do you have any updates on this?

I'm asking again. . . . Will get back to you as soon as I have more information.

I have tried to re-test it again with newly created portal and seems issues still persist (500 generated by Apigee recieving correct SAML claim). Let me know if I need fill the ticket via salesforce for my customer account if that helps (they looking to integrae their API portal with IDM like Auth0). In the same time Okta now started to work.mvtrdsoluekfwpx-w31ekufz47hfnji5accountsapigeeio.zip

Sorry, I don't understand. You said it still fails (500 still). And also it started to work.

Filing a support ticket would be best. This problem has gone on long enough.

We were testing different IDM cloud providers - it started to work with Okta auth, but doesn't work with Auth0. I'm not sure what is the cause - but claims sent to apigee looks very similar.

Hi @Serge Markov @Anatolii Zhmaiev

was your support ticket already looked into/ resolved? I have same issue with Forgerock IdP (config works perfect for Edge UI). If not, I could also open a ticket therefore, but sounds as it is coming done to same solution..

@arjavgoswami - making sure you're seeing this.

Also, @srinandans - not sure who on your team should be attending to this, but there seems to be a cluster of cases from different customers. Might be worth dedicating some focus on this particular thing.

Hi Team, 

I'm facing the same with Pingone Saml configuration, post SAML login apigee is getting 500 server error. Please let me know if there are any updates on this issue.


(Unable to attach the logs as I'm not able to see the upload option in here for .zip .har)