27Mar23 date format

Help ! Some of my date fields change format from dd/mm/yy to mm/dd/yy in my app. Huge nuisance! Investigating  & changing locality etc etc makes no difference. So I have resorted to changing the format manually inside the  associated Sheet.

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Hi Techuke, I'm in QLD Aus.  Try reloading the app and tables. Clear cache'. If that doesn't work, in the spreadsheet customise the column data to our format. Sometimes I find if the table is not set up for our timezone to start with, I have issues, but not every time. Hit and miss.

View solution in original post


Suggest making sure your source table is also set to your proper timezone / country etc.

27Mar23 0811 greetings from New Zealand @CraigF2A and thank you very much. Weird .. a month ago I did what you suggest. No effect. Hmm ..

Hi Techuke, I'm in QLD Aus.  Try reloading the app and tables. Clear cache'. If that doesn't work, in the spreadsheet customise the column data to our format. Sometimes I find if the table is not set up for our timezone to start with, I have issues, but not every time. Hit and miss.

30Mar23 0518 .. yippee .. thank you CraigF2A. Followed your suggestion - I customized the spreadsheet data to our ANZ (not the bank!) format  A couple of days later my app is showing dd/mmm/yy in all its date fields. Thank you again.

Nice one. Glad it worked for you. 

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