A View for displaying text

Is there a good way to display text?

I have a fair bit of text I want the user to read through. I wont have any issues getting the user to read the text, it more so just has to be on the app and easily accessible. The app contains surveys and the text gives the user guidelines on how to do everything. There are many different surveys and it would be a waste to start every survey with a huge chuck of text.

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  • UX

Have you thought about adding a summary table with detail views… like help pages?

Im not really sure what you mean by a summary table or help pages
Could you please explain them further?

Another option would be to include a Enum & Show (text) columns at the start:

  • Make the enum a button like “Show Help Text” or something, then base the Show column’s ShowIf based on if the enum is selected or not.

This way if they want to see it, they can turn it on, then turn if off if it’s in the way.

@SKETCHwade I mean one additional table where each row contains guidelines for one survey. Then your users can read the text from a separate detail view.

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