A column of a data action cannot be modified.

Hello, Community, I am getting some errors while trying to make an action from a database to another.

A bit of context: I have a database of our customer's dogs (Dogs). I want to pause them and send them to another database (Inactive Dogs). This first step works fine. I created a grouped action that copies the rows and then deletes them.

Now I want to create another action that reactivates them by doing the same steps, from Inactive Dogs to Dogs.

I already did the same process with two other data base (Customers and Inactive Customers) and it works fine.

The errors: I am getting 4 errors. The all say "The column 'Modalidad' of data action 'Pasar Fila a P. Inactivo' cannot be modified". The only differences are the name of the columns and the names of the data actions.

Error Appsheet.png

Both 'Precio Semanal' and 'Modalidad' are Columns with a formula.

'Precio Semanal' is a formula that multiplies 2 values.
'Modalidad' is a formula that gets the value from a referenced row.


The 2 columns.png

This is how they are set in the "Actions" section:


New value for column Sesiones Semanales (Number):
New value for column Precio semanal (Price):
[_ThisRow].[Precio semanal]
Thank you very much!
0 1 162

Have you checked if the table in question allows edits in the table settings?



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