Accordion format for long series of questions on form - clickable questions

I have to have a long series of questions (each with the same set of four possible standard answers), 32 in total. I can use ENUM to specify the values, but this results on the visible form in the app as a very long section. Is there a way to do an 'accordion' in the app, eg, make each question clickable and have the possible selections open up when the Q is clicked?

thanks in advance for any help



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  • UX

Unfortunately, no accordian style view  Sounds like a good Feature Idea.

As a possible is what I would do:

Create a Questions table that has a Question column and an Answer column.  Show the Questions as rows in a table and then change the Row Selected behavior so that when a row is tapped it opens that Question in a Form where the user can simply select the answer.  How you represent the set of answers is up to your preference.

Once a question is answered, indicate that in the table view using a format rule - maybe a checkmark or strikethrough the question.


I hope this sparks some ideas!



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