Action Button doesn't display on main view

So I made an Action Button but it doesn’t display on main view although it does appear on the detail view where I don’t want it. ?

0 7 694

What view type are you using for your main view?

It’s the system generated deck.

Check first from the Deck view’s definition that the option “Show action bar” is set to ON. If you don’t want to see all available actions, choose only that one. If you don’t want to show it with your detail view, choose the option Prominence as “Disply inline”.

I wanted it to “display overlay” as teh system generated button is. Is this possible? Should I make a new view?

It depends what that action is doing. For example if it’s an edit action, it won’t show it because it can’t choose which record to modify.

Its a view change to take you to a form so I don’t think that is the problem but maybe…

I’m pretty sure the only overlay buttons that will appear on deck, gallery, and table views are for actions with “(not a row-level action)” in their label, which limits you to add and export actions.

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