Action Button

how to put an action button on a primary view table?
if I configure an action it is not displayed on the primary view, excluding the one generated by the system (edit or delete)

thank so much

0 16 189

Is it showed or not depends on what your action is doing. If it's for example row dependent, it won't be visible because the app doesn't know which one of those rows it should read.

thanks for the reply,
I have a list of products to order from the supplier, with an action button I would like to copy the list of products in order, paste them into another table and delete the products from the first table, I used the "add" action a new row to another table" but, as you rightly point out, working on a single row, it does not appear in the table 

can you advise me how to act?

So, you can do that if you activate the selection from the upper right corner. Then you can select those rows and run the action you want. 



but I can't see my action



It's probably under the 3 dots.

sorry, there isn't ๐Ÿ˜”



Is the action set as "Display as primary"?

test with primary, prominently and inline... same result

Do you have a lot of primary actions so they don't fit? You could change the order of these actions.

I deleted the other actions but this action does not appear

Hey man,

I believe it has to do with a grouped action ๐Ÿ˜

yes, but I also tried with other types of actions... same result


try and see if the Grouped Actions first entry's shows the Action Button.

1. The Grouped Action: Wont show, so set it to hidden
2. The First Action of the Grouped Action. Set it to show Prominently, will show


Do you have a condition rule added that makes the action hidden?

none rule

The grouped action should be visible either with the "Primary" or "Prominently" if you don't have anything else than "True" with the "Only if this condition is true" option.

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