Action Confirmation Message - If no, go to view

Hi folks, 

My app has a field that is populated by USEREMAIL(). We have volunteers who work with us and i'd like to be able to grant certain users the ability to alter this text field to 'volunteer'.

So far i've set up the form to execute a group of actions including one that prompts the user (with the appropriate access rights) with a confirmation message to click 'Yes' to change this field to 'volunteer'.

However, if the user clicks 'No' any data that was put into the form is cleared. I need the click on 'No' to ignore the proposed field change from USEREMAIL() and proceed as before.

Can anyone help with this?

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One way to do this to use Event Action and you find it from the form view. This action that writes "Volunteer" is triggered right after the record is saved so it won't stop the saving process.

Thanks Aleksi; this is already set up. In the form view, when the form is saved, the Event Action triggers the group of actions and the prompt. 

What i need to work out is how to get this prompt to revert to USEREMAIL() if 'no' is clicked.

You need to add another separate action which has Y/N column and it's a mandatory. If the user click "No", nothing changes and it keeps the email address.

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