Action button in 3 dots

How to make visible an action button (created manually ) in the 3 dots of detailed view only?


@MultiTech , @Steve @Suvrutt_Gurjar @AleksiAlkio @jyothis_m @Kirk_Masden @Rifad 


0 6 466

Actions will show in the "3 dot" menu ONLY if they are set with the "Prominence" setting of "Display as Primary".  However, we cannot set it to show ONLY in the "3 dot" menu, if that is what you were asking.   It will also show as an Overlay button in the bottom right-hand corner just above the Edit button.

Ok bro.

The following improvement is "planned":

Action 'prominence' / display options

This should fix the problem.

When can I expect sir?

I wish I knew.  ๐Ÿ™‚  Under the current management, improvements seem to come rather slowly.  All I know is that it is listed as "planned," according to what is displayed on the page I indicated.

@Kirk_Masden wrote:

This should fix the problem.

Hate to be the "stick in the mud", but the comment made in that post only suggests that maybe the Desktop Mode changes being made might provide a solution to these requests.

That implies only maybe the development team has considered the requests.  Hopefully they have.


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