Action display name with a formula


I am trying to use a formula in the display name for an action.

A simple switch or IF based in the row. but it doesnt work.

If( [Lugar]="CDMX Tienda","CDMX","")



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@ODCP wrote:


Which type of action? Not all types are row-level actions.

@ODCP wrote:

it doesnt work

What happens? Maybe provide some sample rows and explain what you see and what you expect to see.

The Action is : "Data: set the values of some columns in this row"

Im using an iput formula with an uneditable row.

Trying to make a tooltip icon to have get information from the row when hovering on the icon.


Here is a loom video, i hope it helps

I'm still not sure what the difference is between what you see and what you expect. Here are a couple details to check:

  • Per INPUT, the first parameter should be a unique name--i.e., not the same as a column name. For example, try "Lugar_input".
  • In briefly scanning your video, I didn't see any value that matches "CDMX Tienda", which is in your expression. Maybe there's a mismatch between your expression and your data.
  • Confirm whether [Lugar] is an Enum or Enumlist type. If it's Enumlist, then its value will never equal a single a value even if its list comprises only a single value. Instead, you could use the IN function.

Hello, i have changed the input parameter to Lugar_input but i have the same behaivor

I do have some rows with "CDMX Tienda", even if i change to anything else it does not work, like if it is not reading the values, but the formula works because it set the "False" value from the IF expresion

Lugar is a Ref from a table named "Lugares" 

"In" Expresion is giving me "true" value.

I think with switch, IF, ifs or SELECT i can get the value from [Lugar] to be the display name

@ODCP wrote:

Lugar is a Ref from a table named "Lugares" 

Bear in mind that the values in a Ref type column are from the referenced table's key column--i.e., not its label column. If "CDMX Tienda" is not a value from the referenced table's key column, then it's not actually a value in your Ref [Lugar] column even though that's the value displayed to app users.

If i make a virtual column with the value of [Lugar] would be the same?

The virtual column would have whatever value results from the column's App formula expression. For example:

  • [Lugar] would simply replicate that value from the [Lugar] column
  • [Lugar].[label column from Lugares table] would dereference the [Lugar] column to return the value of another column from the referenced table

Potentially, you could just use the dereference in the action display name to begin with:

IF([Lugar].[label column from Lugares table] = "CDMX Tienda", "CDMX", "")


I have tryed that formula but it still does not find the value ๐Ÿ˜ž

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