Actions / not updating modifications in Webapp

Hi, I updated some actions and are not being OK in the web. It is working OK in the App editor.
please any chance to check this?


@devinguLast time you helped me with this ๐Ÿ™‚

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Thanks for tagging me! Feel free to reach out to our Email or chat support! Maybe it's due to security filter (just my guess).

Did you update your deployed application? Are you testing the "web" version as the deployed application or is it the current version just in full browser view?

My app is not deploy yet

Explain a bit more what you mean with "are not being ok in the web"? Let's say you updated the actions in the App editor and you concurrently have a test version open in a separate browser tab. After saving the updates in the editor the actions work in the editor preview window. However, if you still have the test browser tab open at the same time, you would have to force sync the application there before the changes persist in that 'separate instance'.

I have an action that is "execute a sequence of actions", al simple ones.
I edited this action.

When I try to execute it in the editor all goes OK.

When I go to "open in tab" or "browser edition", the changes done in the action are not being applied. 
I saved and refreshed (opened, closed.. tried all)

Think that the changes I made in the editor are not being updated in the Browser edition / tab edition 

Hi, I still have the same problem. Are you having this issue? ๐Ÿ˜ž

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