Active button

Hello, is there anyway for me to make a button that shows if someone is available or not. I still want to see my data in the spreadsheet without it getting deleted. 

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Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Hi @trizo 

You may need a "Status_Active?" column, type Yes/No.

Action button: Switch_Status, with expression:


 And apply a Format Rule, so that it turns green if active.

For example:





View solution in original post

"Group By" options on the Table view ๐Ÿ˜‰

View solution in original post


Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Hi @trizo 

You may need a "Status_Active?" column, type Yes/No.

Action button: Switch_Status, with expression:


 And apply a Format Rule, so that it turns green if active.

For example:





Hi @Aurelien thanks for helping me, much appreciated. So I'm a bit confused should I make a new column in my sheets or in Appsheet self?



First in your Sheets

Second in AppSheet, in your app editor. Data>Columns>Regenerate Structure.

For reference:

Add, remove, or rearrange columns - AppSheet Help


I don't see the other options?I don't see the other options?


I can't see the other options on top?



"I can't see the other options on top?"

Format rules ? 

Have a look in UX>Format Rules

Haha my bad let me have a look real quick

Thanks a lot! 
One last question. How do I separate it from Available and not Available. 
Example all the people who is there at the moment and there toggle is on available, names should be on top else if it's off there names should not be on top.


"Group By" options on the Table view ๐Ÿ˜‰

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