Add More Reports on Construction Daily reports

Hi, How can I achieve a situation where:

If a user selects Option 1 they are directed a form with about 5 addition fields and if they select Option 2, they may continue with the current form?

I want to merge add more fields on the Construction Daily Report - Incident field and have the option to include Affected Crew + Type of Incident + Time of Incident + and a Yes/No option on Incident Resolved.

Basically, I want to add more reports and data on this App

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You cannot re-direct to another form unless you don’t save the first one. You can create a similar affect by creating de-reference tables for the your main table by setting a REF column with isPartOf property set to TRUE. You can show/hide the NEW button of these additional tables with conditional expressions like [Option]="Option1" or similar as per your needs.

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You cannot re-direct to another form unless you don’t save the first one. You can create a similar affect by creating de-reference tables for the your main table by setting a REF column with isPartOf property set to TRUE. You can show/hide the NEW button of these additional tables with conditional expressions like [Option]="Option1" or similar as per your needs.

Thank you, it worked.

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