Add Multiple New Row Automatically

How do we automate to add multiple new row schedully using automation? Any ideas? I tried using behaviour in adding new rows but unfortunately it can only add 1 new row instead of setting it to add multiple rows.

1 16 203

you have to use loop action , depends on what you want to acheive

Can you elaborate? I am not familiar with loop action using appsheet. 

You have to elaborate on what you mean ? 

Adding rows from one table to another ? 


No no, I would like to create new rows in one table only. No need to add from one table to another. For example, I would like to just automatically add new rows for example, in February I want the system to automatically create 66 tickets for me instead of me creating it one by one. With that would not miss my tickets

If you have at least the Core subscription, you could do this with a Bot/webhook.

I do have subscription and are able to use webhooks. Can you elaborate more on how I could approach your idea.

Check the app from here.. It generates rows from an EnumList but you will get the idea.

It is not automated though since I would need to tick enumlist. The idea is very good though, It is just that I have to create large number of rows for different sheet so ticking it might be inefficient

So.. how would you like to do it exactly? How do you select which rows should be copied? 

I would like to just automatically add new rows for example, in february I would like the system to automatically create 66 tickets for me instead of me creating it one by one. With that would not miss my tickets

With a scheduled Bot?

Check a sample app called "AddingXRowsFromNumber" from It's creating X amount of rows per your request.

This might help:

Just asking for your opinion based on this video. Will it work if I used for loop though? Thanks for the reference! 

@MultiTech has some great videos about looping that you can @Nadhirah check about this subject, looping is not that easy to explain as it is case by case.

Extended Version 
Simplified Version 
2 Mins Video 
MultiTech Channel 

Are you setting at least some of the values or would this be handled by initial value settings for your table columns?

Apps Script task with a bot might help with this by creating an array of objects that can then be passed into the Appsheet API to write the rows. In this case you can use an actual loop in the script that you can control how many times the loop executes, this is where I would suggest creating the array of objects and then use the API to write the entire rows array in a single call.

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