Add Pin in Map in Child Table


I have a question. If I have a child table that need to add location using pin map, is there any option to go to another view (map view to add pin) whenever I click the location column?

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I'm not 100% sure what your request is..
#1 - Are you trying to have an action that would create a new record into child table?
#2 - From which view type you need to trigger the action?

1. Yes

2. From FORM VIEW of the child table.

My apps is about asset management for powerline company. So  I have parent table to register the power substation, then child table for every asset along the powerline

So every asset I need to capture their location and details. So it was easier if I can add the location using pin on the map rather than using HERE() in LOCATION column.

Every asset contains one location, right?

Correct. Every asset contains one location

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