Add more detail rows


I need your help. I have two tables called "hazard" and "hazard_data". "Hazard" is  parent and "hazard_data" is child.

is it possible to create form like this? I want the user to be able to add more rows for the detailed list based on the provided question. Thank you so much for your help.



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Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Hi @alhazen 


In the table "hazard_data", get the column that refers to table "Hazard", and check the option "is a part of".



Hey, Thank you for response. I've done that, but it hasn't lived up to my expectations. I'll use an enum list as an alternative

Adding 2 cents to @Aurelien's right answer, each section of your image that has a "New" button is a different table configured with the "Is a part of?" option. So you need as much child tables as questions/"New" buttons expected

 @alhazen  a small addition to what @SkrOYC said, from my experience:

"So you need as much child tables as questions/"New" buttons expected"

This works for this kind of situation, with one parent having possibly various type of children or various children of one type.


However, a child table cannot have various "is a part of" parent, because that would lead to a conflicting behavior when deleting one parent table, which is supposed to delete a child item which is linked with "is a part of" to another parent table (I hope this last part is intelligible 😂)

Hey, thank you for response.

There is only one child table which is "hazard_data", but it can't be done like I want

The image you posted inside the OP is using  the "Is part of?" setup, if you need anything else you need to reexplain your need more clearly

@Aurelien wrote:

lead to a conflicting behavior when deleting one parent table, which is supposed to delete a child item which is linked with "is a part of" to another parent table

It's like an "existence paradox" 😁

Anyway, it's also explained in the docs for reference

References between tables - AppSheet Help
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