Add n rows based on a value

hi everyone, I’m having a situation and I can’t find any help in the forums.
I sell 3D printed and hand painted action figures and I made an app to manage my sells and manufacturing process. The thing is, for example a customer buys me 5 ironman and 4 cptn America. In the sales-form I will input 5 from this and 4 from that but, because of the times and manufacturing process I need appsheet to add every item in an individual row, so I can then add differents production status individually to each of them. This is, in the end I will need to have 9 new rows one for each item.
Can this be done? Can anybody help me pls? Thank you so much

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Hi, thank you for the answer, definetly looping with actions is the way, but I have been trying it to work and I dont know if what I need can be done…
The row that I’m trying to duplicate ‘is a part of’ another row so as I have one form inside another, the loop action is called when I save the first form and no action take place…
is this possible to solve?

Please provide screenshots of your table and column structures, any Actions that you’ve built so far, as well as an example of the inputted data and an example of the data that you want in the end.

I can share you the whole app if you are ok with this…

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