Add or Update data in .xlsx file, DO NOT rewrite data


Hello community! how are they?

Introduction: I am making a technical service app, therefore I try my table, technicians, services, clients, etc..

Create a bot to take the services referred to the technician and generate an xlsx file for each month. which it does well.

You have 6 headings to complete
service id - Service status - Appliance - Brand - Model - Fault

Afterwards, technical diagnosis and cost are added to the xlsx manually.

As I said before, it does it well, when a service is entered and the technician is assigned, the xlsx is created.

The problem I have is that when I modify manually when assigning the other service to the same technician, what I modified or added is deleted.

Is there a way that when you create the xlsx and update it as the services are added, it does not modify everything that was added manually (which is not in the headers that are copied).

If you require any photos or more information, do not hesitate to ask.

greetings and thanks!


Versiรณn espaรฑol:

Agregar o Actualizar datos en archivo .xlsx, NO reescribir los datos.

Hola comunidad! como estan?

introducciรณn: estoy haciendo una app de servicio tecnico, por ende tento mi tabla, tencicos, servicios, clientes, ectcetera..

cree un bot para que tome los servicios realacinados al tecnico y genere un archivo xlsx por cada mes. lo cual hace bien.

Tiene 6 encabezados a completar
id servicio - Estado del servicio - Electrodomestico - Marca - Modelo - Falla

Despuรฉs se le agregan al xlsx de forma manual Diagnostico tecnico y costo

Como dije antes lo hace bien, cuando se ingresa un servicio y se asigna el tecnico se crea el xlsx.

El poblema que tengo, es que cuando yo modifico de forma manual al asignarel otro servicio al mismo tรฉcnico se borrra lo que modifique o agregue.

Hay alguna forma que cuando cree el xlsx y lo vaya actualizando a medida que se agregan los servicion no modifique todo lo que se agrego manual ( que no esta en los encabezados que se copian).

Si requeieren alguna foto o mas informacion, no duden en preguntar.

saludos y gracias!

0 2 177

Not 100% sure what your process is, but in generally.. if the data source is modified manually and then someone modifies the same record and saves, yes it overwrites the just added data because when the form was opened by the app user, the data in that row was the same than before you modified it.

There is no bullet proof mechanism to avoid this happening. The closest one is probably to make a forced sync when the form view is opened from the app.

@AleksiAlkio  thanks for taking the time to respond.

Maybe I didn't know how to explain:

IMPORTANT: the technician only edits the form and does not have access to the app.

I have a bot that generates the following route in drive
[technical_id].[first_last name],"-",[technical_id].[technical_id],"/",

and the file name as follows:

This is activated every time a technician is assigned to the service.
then the bot creates the folder corresponding to that technician with the name of the xlsx defined previously.

Each service assigned to the same technician within the same year and month is saved in the same file, which means it is updated.

The problem I have is that this XLSX form is edited directly by the technician in two fields "Technician Diagnostics" and "Cost" (the technician does not use the app). Every time a new service is added to the form, it erases what the technician entered.

It should be noted that the fields edited by the technician do not exist in the app, since it is only for the technician's use.



Version en espaรฑol / Spanish version 

@AleksiAlkio  gracias por tomarte el tiempo de responder.

tal vez no me supe explicar:

IMPORTANTE: el tecnico solo edita la planilla no tiene acceso a la app.

yo tengo un bot que genera en drive la siguiente ruta

y el nombre de archivo de la siguiente manera:

esto se activa cada vez que se le asigna un tecnico al servicio.
entonces el bot crea la carpeta correspondiente a ese tecnico con el nombre del xlsx definido anteriormente.

Cada servicio asignado al mismo tecnico dentro del mismo aรฑo y mes, se guarda en el mismo archivo, lo que quiere decir que se actualiza.

el problema que tengo yo es que esa planilla xlsx es editada directamente por el tecnico en dos campos "Diagnosticos del tecnico" y "Costo" (el tecnico no usa la app). Cada vez que se agrega un nuevo servicio a la planilla borra lo que el tecnico ingreso.

cabe destacar que los campos que edita el tecnico no existen en la app, ya que es solo para uso del tecnico.


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