Adding an Image to a report


I have a simple workflow notification and I am wondering how to add images to the notification. The notification reads as follows:

<<"A new booting activity has occurred at " & [Properties] & " regarding a(n) " &[Color] & " " & [Make] & " " & [Model] & " with plate number " & [License #] & " initiated by " & [Booting Tech] & ". It was booted for the following reason " & [Boot Reason] & " with boot number " & [Boot #] & “. Notes (if any) are as follows:” & [Notes] & >>

Is it possible to just add the images to the bottom of that text string? Thanks

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Ah, well in that case I would reformat your workflow template as follows:

 A new booting activity has occurred at <<[Properties]>> regarding a(n) <<[Color]>> <<[Make]>> <<[Model]>> with plate number <<[License #]>>.
Initiated by: <<[Booting Tech]>>

It was booted for the following reason: <<[Boot Reason]>>
Boot Number: <<[Boot #]>> 

<<IF: ISNOTBLANK([Notes])>>
Notes (if any) are as follows:

<<[Image 1]>>
<<[Image 2]>>
<<[Image 3]>>

Instead of trying to find a way to get all the details into a single blob of text, if you split elements out you make it easier for the user to pick the details they need.

It makes it easier for speed reading.

But I would go further, by also including formatting to accentuate the labels, tables to better format things, you make it even easier to absorb the data being communicated.

View solution in original post


You’ll need to separate out the images into their own <<field>>, but essentially yes!

<<"A new booting activity has occurred at " & [Properties] & " regarding a(n) " &[Color] & " " & [Make] & " " & [Model] & " with plate number " & [License #] & " initiated by " & [Booting Tech] & ". It was booted for the following reason " & [Boot Reason] & " with boot number " & [Boot #] & “. Notes (if any) are as follows:” & [Notes]>> <<Image>>

Also, you don’t necessarily need to have all the text included inside <<carrots>>, only the columns.

And I would also advice removing the # from the column names - special characters like that can cause problems sometimes.


So “[License #]” can cause issues? I have not seen it yet. If my Image clumns are labeled “Image 1, Image 2, and Image 3” and so on, how would that look like?

AppSheet has done an amazing job of covering most scenarios for special characters, but there’s still some out there; and if you plan on integrating with any other SaaS providers you might find difficulties there as well.

I must apologize, I missed the part about this being a NOTIFICATION workflow template and not an email template: I was thinking email, in which you can include the data from any column, it doesn’t matter the type.

For push notifications, there isn’t a way to include images that I’m aware of.

Well the notification sends an email not a text message. I Just have it listed under workflow. The body of the email is that text string you see above.

Ah, well in that case I would reformat your workflow template as follows:

 A new booting activity has occurred at <<[Properties]>> regarding a(n) <<[Color]>> <<[Make]>> <<[Model]>> with plate number <<[License #]>>.
Initiated by: <<[Booting Tech]>>

It was booted for the following reason: <<[Boot Reason]>>
Boot Number: <<[Boot #]>> 

<<IF: ISNOTBLANK([Notes])>>
Notes (if any) are as follows:

<<[Image 1]>>
<<[Image 2]>>
<<[Image 3]>>

Instead of trying to find a way to get all the details into a single blob of text, if you split elements out you make it easier for the user to pick the details they need.

It makes it easier for speed reading.

But I would go further, by also including formatting to accentuate the labels, tables to better format things, you make it even easier to absorb the data being communicated.

When I put that into the email body, it gives a text string to the link for the image, not the image itself.

Right Now I am still learning appsheet on this level, so I want to make sure just a standard blod will work before I start tinkering with tables and such.

And after tinkering around, I got it! Thanks for your help!


What was the solution?

Well there were two: I could add the hyperlink tag to <<[IMAGE]>> so that it produces a clickable link or I could enable the attachments using the image column in the email settings. As I start building a custom form (in a few months), the first solution will likely be employed vs the second so that they sit on a table.

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