Adding data to different dates

Hi all, Newbie here. I'm learning as I go. 

My app is for recording reports/data for a set of clients on particular dates. I'm having difficulty understanding how to allocated multiple dates and data for one client.


Geographic area -> Site Name/Info ->

Client Name/Info ->

Date one -> Recommendations One.

Date Two -> recommendations Two.

Date Three -> Recommendations Three

I can't work out how to link the client 'Bill' to a 'Date' then to his 'Data'.

Thanks for any assistance or direction. DavidAppSheet help.jpg

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I don't follow the relationships between all the categories of data that you mention. Likely, the information you're seeking is addressed somewhere in Data management - AppSheet Help perhaps References between tables - AppSheet Help or, in particular, The "item-detail" data pattern - AppSheet Help

That's great. Thanks for the links. I'll look up and study. Here's a little info if that helps. I can only work out how to link the data to one date. I'm looking to create multiple reports to multiple dates for one client. Appreciate your help. dAppSheet help two.jpg

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