Adding multiple items to one quote


Iโ€™m new to Appsheet and Iโ€™m using the โ€˜Quote Generatorโ€™ template to get me started with my own app to create quotes. So far I have managed to do most of the changes to the template that I need, except for one and I was hopping someone could help me with this.

Basically, the template only allows the user to enter one item per quote, but in realty a quote is usually made up of many items (products/ services). Question:

How can I modify the โ€˜Quote Generatorโ€™ app so that it allows the user to select a product and a quantity several times and keep adding them to the same single quote?

Iโ€™ve seen similar examples in which the form has several fields for the user to enter many products and quantities (product 1, quantity 1; product 2, quantity 2 and so on). I donโ€™t think this is the best solution as I may need to add 20 products to one quote and adding 20 fields for the user to scroll down through each of them is not optimal.

In summary, Iโ€™d like one field for the user to add the product and another one to add the quantity into the quote and allow the user to use the same two fields to add many more items to the same quotation for the same customer.

I hope this makes sense and thanks a lot for your help.


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  • UX

Mutliple products can be selected in a single field by using Enum List Column type. However if you want each of that product to have an individual quantity as well then i think Enum List is not suitable solution.

Hey Micharro,

AppSheet Training actually has a video on a โ€œVehicle Inspectionโ€ app that shows how to make multiple selections from a list of items that is already generated. Itโ€™s not specifically your invoicing app that you are working on, but hopefully it can give you an idea of how the feature works for what you are doing.

Here is the video: Field Inspection App - AppSheet Tutorial for Beginners - YouTube

They have a more in depth video of this Inspection app on their website too, if you are in need of anything further.

Have a good one!

Thank you very much mate - I will check them out today and will reach out if more questions arise.


@Micharro did you ever figure this out?

i had the same problem been looking for this question. 

Did u manage to win.?

Im interested in the feedback i also have the same problem. 


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