Alert for Appsheet

Received this alert - how do i fix?


Operation: App sync

Message: Timed out waiting for a resource. The reason is usually a very large/slow loading table or a cross-table cycle in AppSheet formulas. System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> ProtocolProviders.TimedLock+LockTimeoutException: Timed out waiting for a resource. The reason is usually a very large/slow loading table or a cross-table cycle in AppSheet formulas. 

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Was it just a temporary issue? If so, could be safe to ignore for now, could have just been a temporary server or connection disruption.

Or is it constant? In that case, you probably have too much data, or too many expensive virtual columns, or both, or a "cycle" (circular reference) expression as suggested.

Thanks Marc! It comes up like around twice  a month. The main table has 146 coulmns - too much?



It's more about total data, not just number of columns, but yes, 146 columns is a huge amount.

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