Any way to consider a column value as valid only if another column value is valid?

Well, the question seems weird, I know... I have an inventory app that allows me to input multiple qr codes in a row. Those codes are looked in a reference table, to find each unique ID (there is more than one qr code for the same ID). The ID (one for each qr) is placed in another column of the row (not showed in the form) for some other internal functions. The question is that each "ID" is valid if it fulfills various conditions.
Since I do not want to show the "IDs" in the form, I would like to make the qr code valid if the ID value is valid. Something like [QR1] is valid_if = ISVALID([ID1]). But I cant find a way to do it. Any ideas, please?

Thank you in advance

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If I'm following your description, why don't use the same validation rule with your [QR1] column? The validation doesn't need to be for the same column.

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If I'm following your description, why don't use the same validation rule with your [QR1] column? The validation doesn't need to be for the same column.

Well, I have thought about it, but the truth is that the validation rule is a bit complicated. Various QR codes point to the same ID, and I need to check that the ID is not repeated when I capture lots of them, AND that the ID captured make sense, meaning that is not refered to a total different product.
I will try it, anyway. I will try to write my validation needs in the [QR1] valid if formula.
Thank you!

I'm afraid you need to do that. AppSheet doesn't have a formula something like ISVALID([Column]).

Well, sometimes you need to go home and get some sleep and someone pointing you a different approach.
The equation is now less simple to "code", but it totally makes sense and works perfectly.

Thank you for your help!

You're welcome!

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