Anyone feel like their app is gaslighting them?

Today I’ve been experienceing… how can I say… weird things happening in the editor.

For instance:

  • Formulas just not working
    • all the data is there and appropriate - yet the output results in a blank
  • Formulas producing the incorrect result
    • I’ve got a slice with 3 records in it, yet a COUNT() is producing 11 (?!?)
  • newly created rows not showing up
    • after maybe a minute or so they’ll just suddenly appear
  • action presses not actually doing anything
    • I press the button, there’s a ripple animation showing that I pressed the action, yet nothing happened.
      • this is for actions of several different types (composite, data, navigation), some with conditions some without
  • Slices not including newly created rows

In short: it’s like someone let some gremlins loose (^_^)


All these interactions are through the emulated app inside the app editor.

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The cashier registered your request, but the cook was busy taking a bong rip and didn’t hear it.


haha; but seriously, this has been going on all day. It’s driving me crazy; I do something… but the results aren’t there, but sometimes they are, or suddenly appear.

Hmm, that sounds wierd Matt.

We’re making no changes on our side. Haven’t seen any reports of problems.

What was really annoying about all the points described above, was the newly created records not showing in the app - at least until an arbitrary amount of time passed.

  • Maybe 30 seconds, sometimes longer but never longer than a minute - though I wasn’t timing and keeping track so that’s all extrapolation.

I was going to report it to support, but every time I went to make a video showing the behavior it wouldn’t do it! (Of course!) haha

It seems to have cleared up

One thing that is really pesky is that the action and view names force changes to something other. The other night I spent 15 minutes setting up a name for an action, because for some unseen unfortunate circumstances, it kept changing and correcting all by itself.

Also I have experienced some, if not all, of the above described points. Like the columns not suddenly being included in a slice, not showing up in the view made from a slice.

These are not grave problems that can become too big of a deal, but these for sure are pissers and the poor keyboards and mice take the heat.

I experienced the same thing with virtual columns yesterday, added a virtual column and when I did the third word of another virtual column 3 rows up kept deleting itself. Finally managed to get it working after make a diffferant change, saving. Reclosed browser and re opened editor.

was strange but is very difficult to report.

Have a look at this,

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