App Sheet's -Extract email

Hello guys!

Is there a way to input emails of an domain to be search by a column in app sheets without need to register them beforehand?

For example: I want to register the author of a document, but I don't want to register his informations to use them, I just need to integrate the domain with the search list and set him up as the owner of the doc.



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For the email part you could possibly try Apps Script in conjunction with the GmailApp class. I'm not sure if your question entails that the author of a document refers to an email attachment or just a document within Google Drive? But you should probably also be able to use Apps Script in conjunction with the DriveApp class to retrieve the created by detail.

 I recently started working with App Sheet's, and I still have some difficulties. How would I use App Script in conjunction with the GmailApp class? And just to make sure we're on the same page: What I need is for the table Document, in the Author field, to display a list of email addresses from people whose link to this App has been shared without having to register them as authors first. An example with images:How i want it to be (E-mails showcase in LumWork)How i want it to be (E-mails showcase in LumWork)

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