App Structure

Hey there, I'm brand new to AppSheet but really enjoying it. I come from an MS Powerapps background so AS is definitely a bit different. 

I'm trying to build an app for a local club that runs mountain bike lessons weekly at different locations. 

I want to be able to have a list of GROUPS that have RIDERS in them, each RIDER having their own characteristics (Plate Number, DOB, etc). I then want to have a table of EVENTS that has LOCATION and DATE for each event. 
So basically each group LEADER has the app on their phone, then when RIDERS turn up they can be marked off. The thing is I would like to prepopulate the GROUPS before each week so the leaders know who is in their group and thy only have to tick the riders off.
Sometimes riders will change groups based on skill so I need to be able to edit their group.
I would also love to track the history.

So I set up tables for:

Leaders: Holds all leader information
Riders: Holds rider information
Events: Holds event information
Group Names: Unique names of each Group
Groups: All riders in groups
Data: I was hoping to write all the data to this table so one row would have Rider,Event,Attendance(yes/no), Group, Leader 

Normally I would have them as say seperate Sharepoint Lists and use Collections to collect all the data and then write to a Sharepoint List but I'm finding it really difficult. 

Any help is much appreciated


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Power Apps and AppSheet are definitely different. You can get farther quicker with AppSheet, although Power Apps provides more fine-grained control--especially of the UI--and lots of features that streamline advanced app editing and component reuse.

@itspetedee wrote:

Normally I would have them as say seperate Sharepoint Lists

I've not tried using SharePoint lists as AppSheet data sources, but others in this community may have. FWIW, that's not listed among supported data sources at Use multiple data sources - AppSheet Help.

You may want to instead simply use a spreadsheet--whether Excel (which can be stored in a SharePoint library) or Google Sheets. Use a separate worksheet for each table you've outlined. In AppSheet, add each worksheet as a table. Create your References between tables within AppSheet.

@itspetedee wrote:

use Collections

There's no analog in AppSheet. You can create form views for your tables and data that users enter via app the will sync back to the data source.

Check out the Templates and use the "Look under the hood" function or just copy one of those apps so you can see how the data sources are structured and represented in the app configuration as well as to the app user.


Thanks heaps for the response. Sorry I wasn't clear on the SP lists - that's how I would structure a MS PowerApp. 

I'm thinking that I might be asking a bit too much of AppSheets at the moment. I'll keep playing though 🙂

I've thought about my biggest issues, and they are basically related to a rider changing froups. The term runs for 8 weeks and we know the location of each week so no real need to edit that, so at the moment I have a google sheet with all riders for all weeks in their groups i.e.

IDPlate NumberFirst NameSurnameGroupLeaderWeekAttendanceDateLocation

I'm wondering if there is a way that when I change a riders group it changes for all weeks? Or for all future weeks?

If one of your tables comprises a master list of assignments of riders to groups and any other tables that include a column for the rider are linked to that source table as explained in References between tables, then anywhere you ever reference the rider there will be a link to the rider's currently assigned group. In expressions, the notation would be along the lines of:

[Rider ID].[Group ID].[Group]


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