App backups?

This may be a strange question - and Iโ€™m only asking because of the nightmare I had last night - but are the apps backed up in any way so they could be restored? I woke up in a panic because I dreamt one of my most complex apps just disappeared right in the middle of a training drill. I know on my end all data and the tables are backed up just curious about the apps themselves.


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@tcanelli - I think support can restore apps if you delete by mistake. I also know @LeventK provide an independent and more comprehensive solution if you are interested (although requires a bit of google script setup).

@tcanelli We can restore the app yes if you have accidently deleted it. If you delete your whole account, then itโ€™s not possible anymore.

Thank you! Not a pleasant dream to have for sure!

You have probably created too many or too complex apps lately!!!

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