App built on the SQL service is not runnable

I posted request for support/help to and waiting for response now, but just wanted to check if any other users experiencing the same problem.

My app which is using SQL server (Azure) is not working all the sudden. This is error message I m seeing.


Is anyone having the same problem and see the same type of error message like this?

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When your app runs, it needs to communicate with AppSheet servers which in turn then communicate to your database severs. These communications are over the Internet and need to make several hops (server to server) before reaching the destination.

So there are several servers your request goes through before getting to AppSheet. Then there are several more servers the AppSheet request goes through to get to your database.

The 502 Bad Gateway error typically is reporting that one of the servers along the path is not good in some way. Because you message reflects โ€œMicrosoft-Azure-Application-Gatewayโ€, it seems obvious that it is a server between AppSheet and your database.

I would continue to contact AppSheet support but you might also want to contact Azure services to see if there are any known issues they are aware of. They might have different path settings for you to use.

Thank you for your message.

Yes, it is definitely the problem lying between appsheet server and my azure server.
Azure is working fine, and no outage has been reported.
I can connect to my server (SSIS) without problem, so i wait for Appsheet team to revert for a fix now.

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