App formula syncing to spreadsheet... then instantly switching value to zero !?

Dear community,

My app formula in the parent table sums the order prices of the nested child table. When filling out the nested form, you can see that the computed sum in the parent form is accurate. But after sync, the value ends up being switched to zero ! I checked the Revision History of the particular cell in the spreadsheet (as suggested here) and I can see that the first value is correctly added but then immediately changed to zero. I have no formula in the spreadsheet. When I Preview the table data, it is also at zero, while the exact same formula in a virtual column gives the correct value...

Thanks a lot for your help!

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If you add child records st the same time than patent  yes it's a normal behavior that the Bot is triggered before child records are saved. To avoid this, you need to change the Bot to Updates_Only and add an event action that is triggered when the parent is saved.

View solution in original post


This is the sequence I get after filling out a form:

This is what I get after entering a new formThis is what I get after entering a new form


This is what I see immediately after delayedsyncThis is what I see immediately after delayedsync


... and what happens 1 second after... and what happens 1 second after


So it looks like this is linked to my bot. I first generate a pdf and then I have a step to run a data action with "Set row values" for another column (file name).

Could that be it ?


What is your app formula in that column? 

SUM([Related PO lines][Item price])

I don't believe there is an issue with the expression: it is working fine in a virtual column that I created as a test.
There is some weird behavior going on with my bot. It is triggered by a "Adds only" data change on the parent table, and I wonder if it doesn't mess up because it starts before the child table is updated??

And I forgot to mention that I found out that the bug doesn't happen when I disable the bot...

If you add child records st the same time than patent  yes it's a normal behavior that the Bot is triggered before child records are saved. To avoid this, you need to change the Bot to Updates_Only and add an event action that is triggered when the parent is saved.

Thank you Aleksi, I'll try that.

I see that it is indeed a known behavior.

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