App input to output on spreadsheet error


Hello people, 

I am having a big problem at the moment. I have been working on an App for a while now. A few days ago everything worked fine. I tested the app and every input in the App appeared on my spreadsheet I linked it with. After that I have been adding things and changing things.  I have 71 Columns so I have been changing a lot. Appsheet gives me these small warnings (but it has been doing that the whole time). However, I don't think this is the problem. I will show the warnings here:


So everytime I put in data in appsheet and I sync, it also syncs with my spreadsheet, the only thing is that the given input will not show in google spreadsheet. I got a feeling it has to do with some new colums I put in within the spreadsheet. These colums are 4 columns with functions within spreadsheet (not within appsheet). Everytime I fill in things in appsheet, the functions dissapear in the 2th row in spreadsheet. So the whole row 2th row is blank except for 2 columns (2 with functions) the other 2 dissapeared.


As you can see everything is blank and the two functions on the 2th row dissapeared. 

Another column I newly added was without a function. In these pictures below you see the NEW column I added, but did not want to show (injury prevention score). I don't know if it is of any use but I want to show as much as possible. As you can also see below is that I added 'a new client' (the input) and it is not showing in the spreadsheet. 


I have been working on this for a lot of hours. And now I have the feeling it gives up on me. I am really lost, since I am a newby in this field of work. I really hope one of you can help me. If I need to provide additional information I will be happy to. 

Best regards,




0 1 81

So I think the most immeditate issue is that you're using a combination of Appsheet and spreadsheet formulas.  The later is why you're getting the read only warning.  If appsheet sees that spreadsheet cell has a spreadsheet formula then it sets that as read only in the appsheet editor.  So in the example above where you have this in column U:


you need to delete that and instead go into the settings of the [TOTAL SCORE VRAGENLIJST] column and set the App Formula to be


 Do that with all the spreadsheet formulas and see if that fixes some or all of the issues

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