App notification from gravity form submission

Looking for some insight into the automation process of sending an app notification to users.

I have everything set up and working as intended with the exception of the main intention. When testing the bot, the notification functions as intended. However, when I submit a form, through my wordpress website using gravity forms, the notification is not triggered. I do not see it showing received from google sheets in the monitor section. The entry does populate in google sheets shortly after submission and I have installed the appsheet events add-on.

I have read that it only triggers with a manual type entry or from a google form entry. I have played around with the manual entry option and it does trigger the app notification.

What I am wondering is, has anyone figured out a workaround? So to be clear, I want to use a form submission to populate the google sheet that I use in my AppSheet app to then receive a notification that the submission has been received in the app/google sheets.

I have messed with google forms but not a lot. My personal preference is that I am not sold on the look. I also keep getting malformed errors when loading the form into my website. Gravity forms is my preferred form system because I know it but am always willing to learn if it will do what I need it to.

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You are correct that a Bot will not trigger when an outside service pushes data into your GSheet. Off the top of my head you could:

  1. Have your Bot trigger on a schedule and look for new entries.
  2. Use an onChange() App Script that triggers on new entries, that sends a simple data change to the new record through Appsheet API, thus triggering a Bot.
  3. Or just use App Script itself to send the notifications via email.

Thanks for the reply. Looks like the simple option would be to use the trillio add-on with gravity forms to send submission notifications as SMS or set up an email to send. I will look into how I might be able to use the options you listed. As of now I am not sure. Still green to this.

If there's something you can easily add on to the workflow from gravity's side, yah definitely go with that 

Hola, puedes probar con Gravity Forms a Spreedsheets

Now you need to create a task in order todo "that thing you need" and a bot to whait for listen when a new row has been created in your spreedsheet

if i understand good i think you can solve that in this way


The issue with this option is that I have already tried something similar if not the same add-on. The issue really comes down to google sheets only alerting to the event when it's a manual entry or entry submission from google forms. Thank you for posting.

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