App views only user Data but they can add any data

Hello everyone,


I have two tables named (ITEMS) and (TRANS) , I need our app users to view only data which they enterd when they choose ITEM table , and I need when they choose TRANS tabel any user able to add and subtract the total count  of any ITEM even if he is not the one who create the item .

thanks for all

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It's hard to understand what you are doing without proper context.

Is there any kind of relationship between the tables? What entity those tables represent? Which columns can be found in each one? Which columns you expect to change?


is that can help ??

sure relationship between the tables

what iam seek for :

when i press add it suppose to open some thing like sheet then user can add or sub

for multiple item names and after finish when press save

it will add all rows to TRANS table


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